Response: Selling alcohol or any other intoxicant is haraam. And it is obligatory for a person who has any of it to destroy it and not sell it, because of the general (meaning of the) statement of Allaah:
{And do not help one another in sin and transgression}, [Soorah al-Maa.idah, Aayah 2].
And with Allaah lies all success and may Allaah send prayers and salutations upon our Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) and his family and his companions.
The Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Fataawa, comprising -
Head: Shaykh 'Abdul 'Azeez ibn Abdullaah ibn Baaz;
Deputy Head: Shaykh 'Abdur-Razzaaq 'Afeefee;
Member: Shaykh 'Abdullaah Ibn Ghudayyaan;
Member: Shaykh 'Abdullaah Ibn Qu'ood
Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa.imah lil-Buhooth al-'Ilmiyyah wal-Iftaa., - Volume 13, Page 53, Question 4 of Fatwa No.5177
Ungu - Hampa Hatiku.mp3
Ungu - Dilema Cinta.mp3
rossa feat ungu - terlanjur cinta.mp3
Ungu - Ku Ingin Selamanya.mp3
Ungu - Dengan nafas Mu.mp3
Ungu - Cinta Dalam Hati.mp3
04 - Ungu - Tercipta_Untukku (Ft. Rossa).mp3
Ungu - Ku Ingin Selamanya.mp3
Ungu - Dilema Cinta.mp3
Ungu - Jika Itu Memang Terbaik.mp3
Ungu - Dia Maha Sempurna (CD Rip).mp3
Ungu - Laguku.mp3
Ungu - Waktu Yang Dinanti.mp3
Ungu-Tercipta Untukku.mp3
02. Ungu - Dilema Cinta_By
ungu_saat indah bersamamu.mp3
Ungu - Kekasih Gelapku.mp3
ungu - andai ku tahu.mp3
Ungu - Surgamu.mp3
Ungu - Aku Bukan Pilihan Hatimu.mp3
Ungu - Cinta Gila (Ost Sang Pemimpi) FSmusik.Net.mp3
Ungu - Aku Datang Untuk Mencintaimu.mp3
Chrisye Feat Ungu - Cinta Yang Lain.mp3
Kamu Harus Pulang - Slank.mp3
Slank - Seperti Para Koruptor.mp3
Maafkan - Slank.mp3
Maafkan - Slank.mp3
Balikin - Slank.mp3
Slank - Ku Tak Bisa.mp3
slank - Anyer 10 Maret.mp3
Slank - Mawar Merah.mp3
Slank - Mars Slankers.mp3
Foto Dalam Dompetmu - Slank.mp3
Slank - Kirim Aku Bunga.mp3
gosip jalanan(slank).mp3
Slank - Koepoe Liarkoe.mp3
Slank & Nirina Zubir- Pandangan Pertama.mp3
Slank - Pak Tani.mp3
Slank - Jakarta Pagi Ini.mp3
Muhammad 'Abdullaah As-Sumaalee was a teacher in Al-Masjid Al-Haraam and in the Daar-ul-Hadeeth Al-Khairiyyah in Makkah. He was a noble scholar and a knowledgeable Muhaddith. I attended his classes on Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree and other subjects, which he gave in Al-Masjid Al-Haraam during my first years of seeking knowledge from 1397H to 1398H. I benefited from his knowledge and from his good manners and character. He was highly proficient - specifically in the Science of Hadeeth and it's Terminology. He was well grounded and strong in his knowledge of the Science of narrators and chains of narration, as well as other Islamic sciences and the Arabic language.
Allaah granted benefit through his teaching in Al-Masjid Al-Haraam and in Daar-ul-Hadeeth. Many students of knowledge from various parts of the world came out from him. He, may Allaah have mercy on him, gave great importance to rectification and fearing of Allaah along with humbleness, gentle character, abstinence, piety and a rejection of this worldly life. He would not preoccupy himself with things other than Islaamic knowledge, worship and obedience (to Allaah), up until the time He returned to His Lord. May Allaah shower him with His vast mercy and contentment, and may He accept him among His righteous servants. And we ask Allaah to give him a high place in Paradise, with the pious. Verily Allaah is the One who hears and answers the supplications.
And may the peace and blessings of Allaah be on our Prophet, Muhammad, his family and his Companions.
Stated by Shaikh 'Umar Ibn Muhammad As-Subayyal, Imaam of Al-Masjid Al-Haraam (who recently passed away)
His place of birth and his early upbringing
The Shaikh, the Muhaddith, Muhammad Ibn 'Abdillaah Ibn Ahmad As-Sumaalee traced his lineage back to the village of Amaadin in Ogaden, which is in western Somalia, an area currently being occupied by Ethiopia.
Shaikh Muhammad Ibn 'Abdillaah As-Sumaalee was born at the beginning of this (20th) century, around 1910 or so. This is because the Shaikh remembers seeing the Somali Mujaahid known as Sayyid Muhammad 'Abdullaah, and he was a little older by then. And Sayyid Muhammad died in the year 1919.
His quest for knowledge
He sought knowledge from his early youth since he was seven or eight years old. He began by memorizing the Qur'aan and read it to Shaikh Hasan. Then he read the book Safeenah An-Najaa, which is a book on Shaafi'ee Fiqh to Shaikh 'Abd-ur-Rahmaan 'Awl. Then he read the book Al-Minhaaj, on Shaafi'ee Fiqh, to Shaikh Haaj 'Alee Tam'asee. Then after that, he read from the text of Al-Ajroomiyyah to Shaikh Muhammad Noor Hirsee concerning Arabic grammar, as well as its explanation by Al-'Ashmaawee, then Milhat-ul-'Iraab, then Laamiyyat-ul-Af'aal concerning Arabic morphology.
After the Shaikh completed his studies with the scholars of his land, he decided to travel to other lands in search of knowledge, following the way of his pious predecessors (i.e. the Salaf). His first travel was to Ethiopia, to the regions known as JakJakaa and Faafan, which took a distance of ten day's journey from his country. At that time he was twenty years old. He studied the book Nadhm Al-'Umarbatee with Shaikh Muhammad Mu'allim Husayn, and he studied Laamiyyat-ul-Af'aal and Milhat-ul-'Iraab with Shaikh 'Abd-un-Noor. He also studied the books Qatr-un-Nadaa and Alfiyyah Ibn Maalik with Shaikh Aruboo. Then he studied the science of Bayaan with Shaikh 'Alee Jawhar and then with Shaikh Hasan Ibn Ash-Shaikh Hasan. His stay in Ethiopia lasted about two years.
During his journey back home, the Shaikh became very sick due to the difference of foods between Somalia and Ethiopia. His paternal aunt tended to him, nursing him. When he recovered from his sickness, he became determined to travel again, so his aunt gave him an ox, which he sold and used the money to travel to Djibouti.
There he read the book Safeenah An-Najaa to Shaikh 'Alee Jawhar but he did not finish it. And his stay did not last for more than two months, for he traveled by sea towards Yemen. The waves and the currents of the sea threw their ship back and forth until they feared for their lives, and it was such that the Shaikh swore that he would not ride by sea again. They arrived at the city of Zabeed in Yemen and stayed there for three months. There he studied the book As-Safeenah concerning Shaafi'ee Fiqh. Then he traveled to the area of Qatee' and remained there for a month listening to Al-Minhaaj concerning Shaafi'ee Fiqh in the presence of Shaikh Yahyaa, the Muftee of the lands of Qatee'. Then he moved to the city of San'aa and studied the sciences of the Arabic Language there. So he studied the books Qawaa'id-ul-'Iraab, Qatr-un-Nadaa, Al-Jawhar-ul-Maknoon, Al-Alfiyyah and Al-Ashmoonee. He rejected the beliefs of the people of that land, which was Zaydee (a sect of the Shi'ah), and said to them: "I am a Shaafi'ee." But they did not let him continue studying his madh-hab. Then, one of the teachers there, Al-Ustaadh Yahyaa Al-'Eesaa advised him to study the Science of Hadeeth.
So Shaikh Muhammad began to memorize Buloogh Al-Maraam and memorized 500 hadeeth from it. Then he began to study the book Subul-us-Salaam (the explanation of Buloogh Al-Maraam) with one of the well-known Shaikhs. Among his teachers of the Arabic Language in Yemen, were Shaikh Lutfee, Shaikh 'Alee Fiddah and Shaikh Kabasee. Then the Shaikh desired to go to Egypt to seek knowledge, but at that time World War II started and all of the sea routes were closed.
Then the Shaikh met a man that had come from Makkah, so he asked him about how Makkah was. The man responded to him, saying: "O Muhammad, there is a school in Makkah in which they teach hadeeth. It is called Daar-ul-Hadeeth." So the Shaikh was pleased with this and traveled to Makkah from San'aa towards the end of 1359H along with other people going to Hajj. Shaikh Yahyaa entrusted the leader of the Hajj trip with him. So he gave him a riding animal and the journey lasted a month from San'aa to Makkah. He reached Makkah in 1360H and enlisted in the Daar-ul-Hadeeth school.
In Daar-ul-Hadeetth, Shaikh Muhammad Haamid Al-Fiqqee met Shaikh Muhammad Ibn 'Abdillaah and asked him: "Where did you come from O Muhammad?" So he told him: "I came from Somalia in search of the noble hadeeth." So he was greatly impressed and said: "The Khuraafees (a deviant sect) and the followers of (sufi) orders eat and fill themselves, but the students of Hadeeth do not find anything."
So he took him to a shelter whose caretaker was from the ashraaf (those whose lineage can be traced back to the Prophet) and said to him: "This person seeks the hadeeth of your forefather." So he would reserve two loaves of white bread for him every day.
The Shaikh continued seeking knowledge in the Haram and in Daar-ul-Hadeeth. He studied under Shaikh 'Abd-ur-Razzaaq Hamzah Al-Misree, Shaikh Abu As-Samah, Imaam of the Haram, Shaikh Sulaymaan Ibn 'Abdir-Rahmaan Al-Hamdaan, teacher of Tawheed and Hadeeth at Al-Masjid Al-Haraam, Shaikh Abee Sa'eed Al-Pakistani, Shaikh Muhammad Sultaan Al-Ma'soomee, Shaikh Abu Muhammad 'Abdul-Haqq Al-Haashimee, and Shaikh Ibn Maani'.
From the most particular of his teachers was Shaikh 'Abd-ur-Razaaq Hamzah, whom he studied and read the Six Books of the Sunnah with, as well as Tafseer Ibn Katheer and Al-Bidaayah wan-Nihaayah, but he didn't complete it. Upon seeing the Shaikh's eagerness and great concern for seeking knowledge, Shaikh 'Abd-ur-Razaaq Hamzah began to esteem him and love him more than his own children.
Shaikh 'Abd-u-Razaaq's method in teaching hadeeth was that he would read the chain of narration and then ask his students about the name, kunyah and laqab of the reporter. So if they didn't know, they would have to research it in their books.
After studying for two years in Daar-ul-Hadeeth, he was appointed as teacher of Arabic Language, which he would do while still studying Hadeeth. The Shaikh graduated from Daar-ul-Hadeeth in 1975 and achieved the high approval (Ijaazah 'aaliyah) and the degree of Mujtahid in the assigned subjects. Then he was appointed as a teacher in the Islaamic University of Madeenah and there a number of students of knowledge studied under him.
Afterward, he was appointed as a teacher in the Haram of Makkah until the year 1406H when he broke his leg. But he remained employed as a teacher and was given permission to teach at home. And he would teach in his home until the time he passed away.
His Abstinence and Piety
The Shaikh was one who abstained from worldly luxuries, who was careful of what he received and took and was very modest. He did not know anything of the dunyaa for he had abandoned the worldly life after it had been presented to him. Among the examples of this is the following story. He used to live in one small apartment, and when it was said to him: "Shall we not look for another apartment for you", he responded by saying: "Do you want people to say that Shaikh Muhammad is greedy?"
And one time when he broke his leg and was not able to go to the Haram to teach, he refused to accept the stipend that he normally would take (for teaching). So Shaikh Muhammad Ibn 'Abdillaah As-Subayyal, head of the affairs of the Haramayn, said to him: "The pious and wicked both take this money, and you have more right to it. So whoever comes to you, then teach him in your home."
His students
A number of students studied under the Shaikh, the number of which cannot be counted, whether in the Daar-ul-Hadeeth center or in Al-Masjid Al-Haraam or in the Islamic University.
His educational gatherings would be constantly frequented and attended by the elite amongst the noble scholars, such as:
1. Shaikh Muhammad Ibn 'Abdillaah As-Subayyal, the head of the affairs of the Haramayn and the Imaam and khateeb of Al-Masjid Al-Haraam
2. Shaikh Yahyaa Ibn 'Uthmaan Al-Makkee Al-Hindee, from the scholars of Hijaaz
3. Shaikh Muqbil Ibn Haadee Al-Waadi'ee, the Muhaddith of the lands of Yemen, who described his Shaikh in his book "Al-Muqtarah fee 'Ilm-il-Mustalah" as "the most knowledgeable person about the Science of Hadeeth in the area of Hijaaz."
4. Shaikh 'Umar Ibn Muhammad Ibn 'Abdillaah As-Subayyal, Imaam and Khateeb of Al-Masjid Al-Haraam
5. Shaikh Ahmad Wulu Al-Habashee
6. Shaikh Muhammad Hasan Al-Jaysh
Those who received an ijaazah (religious certification) from him
They are a large number. Amongst the most famous of them are: 'Abd-ur-Rahmaan Al-Hudhaifee, Shaikh Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn 'Uthmaan Al-Mani'ee, Shaikh Musaa'id Al-Humaid, Shaikh Rabee' Ibn Haadee Al-Madkhalee, Shaikh Muhammad Al-Madkhalee, Shaikh Usaamah Al-Qoosee and Shaikh Wasiyullaah Muhammad 'Abbaas.
The beginning of his terminal sickness and his death
The beginning of his last sickness was at the start of the month of Sha'baan, when he began feeling great sluggishness. On Saturday, he made a lot of supplication, and from his supplications was: "O Allaah, let me live if life is better for me, and let me die if death is better for me."
Then on Monday morning, he fainted and was taken to a hospital. The Shaikh regained consciousness the next day and a large group of his students came to visit him. He made a final request that Shaikh Muhammad 'Abdullaah As-Subayyal lead the prayer over him. Then he fainted again after that and from then on it was customary that he would recover and then go into unconsciousness again and again for some days. We ask Allaah that He make that as a means of purifying him and raising him in levels.
The Shaikh finally died on Sunday night, the 3rd of Ramadaan 1420H. And his Janaazah funeral prayer) was prayed the next day, Monday, in Al-Masjid Al-Haraam after 'Ishaa. He was buried in the Al-'Adl cemetery, in the vicinity of his brother (in Islaam) Shaikh 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn 'Abdillaah Ibn Baaz, may Allaah have mercy on both of them.
[1] Translator's Note: Ogaden is a large area of land in west Somalia that borders with Ethiopia. It was taken over by the Ethiopian government and to this day is occupied by their forces. There is still fighting going on between Somalis and Ethiopians with regard to liberating Ogaden. May Allaah assist the Muslims there.
[2] Translator's Note: Shaikh Ibn 'Abd-ir-Razaaq Hamzah was born in 1311H and died on 1392H (1893 - 1972). He was born in a small lightly populated village in Qalyubiyyah (a province) in Lower Egypt). He studied there in Al-Azhar University and then traveled to Saudi Arabia in 1344H. He was put in charge of giving the khutbah and leading the prayers (Imamate) in the Prophet's Mosque in Madeenah. Then he moved to Makkah and was appointed a teacher in Hadeeth and Tafseer. He specialized in Hadeeth and its sciences and was in charge of printing a number of books, such as Ikhtisaar 'Uloom-il-Hadeeth of Ibn Katheer, Mawaarid-udh-Dhamaan of Al-Haithamee and Al-Kabaa'ir of Adh-Dhahabee. He also wrote books, a majority of which were refutations of some books, such as his works: Dhulumaat Abee Rayaa, which is a critique of the book "Adwaa 'alaa As-Sunnah An-Nabawiyyah" of Mahmood Abu Rayya in which there is disparaging of the Sunnah and some Companions. Another book he wrote was Ash-Shawaahid wan-Nusoos, which is a criticism of the book "Al-Aghlaal" by 'Abdullaah Al-Qaseemee. And he also wrote "Al-Muqaabilah baina Al-Hudaa wad-Dalaal." He died while in Makkah.
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Shaykh 'Abdullaah Ibn Hasan al-Qu'ood
He was born on the 17th night of Ramadhaan in 1343 A.H./1922 C.E. in the town of al-'Areeq which is known as Waadee Hu'aam, which happens to be one of the Waadee's of Yamaamah.
He was brought up by his noble parents in affluent surroundings. He studied the basics of reading and writing from the Mushaf with Muhammad Ibn Sa'd Aal Sulaymaan. He later memorised the Qur.aan and some treatises of Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah, Imaam Muhammad Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhaab with the judge of his town, at that time being Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn Ibraaheem Aal 'Abdul-Lateef.
After this, his desire to seek knowledge became stronger, so on the 27th of Safar 1367 A.H./1946 C.E. he left his affluent surroundings, he travelled to Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn 'Abdullaah Ibn Baaz who was in the region of Kharj. He remained with him for 4 years, not including breaks to return home to visit his parents whom used to assist him financially whilst he travelled seeking knowledge.
He studied a number of works with Shaykh Ibn Baaz from the major books and other than them from the books of hadeeth and fiqh. During his time with him, he memorised a number of treatises including Buloogh al-Maraam, and he was very keen in seeking knowledge based upon authentic proofs.
When the Educational Institute opened in Riyadh at the beginning of 1371 A.H./1950 C.E. he transferred there and later graduated from the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 1377 A.H./1956 C.E.
From amongst his teachers there were:
Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn Baaz;
Shaykh 'Abdur-Razzaaq 'Afeefee;
Shaykh Muhammad al-Ameen ash-Shanqeetee;
Shaykh 'Abdur-Rahmaan al-Afreeqee.
On the 4th of Jumaada al-Oolaa in 1375 A.H./1954 C.E. he was appointed a teacher at the Educational Institute, and then on the 9th of Jumaada al-Oolaa he transferred to the Minsitry of Education and worked there as an inspector of religious studies for secondary schools.
On the 8th of Dhul-Qa'dah 1380 A.H./1959 C.E. he transferred to the Court of Grievances and worked there as a member of the judiciary.
On the 1st of Rabee' ath-Thaanee 1397 A.H./1976 C.E. he was made a member of the Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Fataawa, arising from his appointment to the Council of Senior Scholars.
On the 1st of Muharram 1406 A.H./1985 C.E. he retired.
He still partakes in educational activities and passes fatwa, and assists the University of al-Malik Sa'ood by giving levtures to students in higher studies in the department of Islaamic Education.
On the 20th of Sha'baan 1378 A.H./1957 C.E. he was appointed the imaam and khateeb of the Jaami' al-Masheeqeeq in Riyadh.
On the 1st of Muharram 1391 A.H./1970 C.E. he was appointed the imaam and khateeb of the Jaami' of al-Malik 'Abdul-'Azeez, a post which he still holds to date.
He has a number of publications to his name, amongst them a collection of his khutbah's put together in 4 volumes.
Shaykh 'Abdullaah Ibn 'Abdur-Rahmaan Aal Ghudayyaan
He studied the basics of reading and writing, when young, with 'Abdullaah Ibn 'Abdul-'Azeez as-Suhaymee, and 'Abdullaah Ibn 'Abdur-Rahmaan al-Ghayth, and Faalih ar-Roomee. He also studied the basics of fiqh, tawheed, Arabic grammar and with Hamdaan Ibn Ahmad al-Baatil. He then travelled to Riyadh in 1363 A.H./1952 C.E., and in 1366 A.H./1955 C.E. he enrolled into al-Madrasah as-Sa'oodiyyah al-Ibtidaa.iyyah (previously known as Madrasatul-Aytaam) and graduated from there in 1368 A.H./1957 C.E.
He was then appointed a teacher in al-Madrasah al-'Azeeziyyah, and in 1371 A.H./1960 C.E. he enrolled into the Educational Institute. During this period he studied with Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Ibraaheem Aal ash-Shaykh. He also studied fiqh with Shaykh Sa'ood Ibn Rashood who was the (grand) judge of Riyadh, and tawheed with Shaykh Ibraaheem Ibn Sulaymaan, and Arabic grammar and with Shaykh 'Abdul-Lateef Ibn Ibraaheem. He then continued his studies until he graduated from the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 1372 A.H./1961 C.E.
He was then appointed head of one of the courts, and then later transferred to teaching at the Educational Institute in 1378 A.H./1967 C.E. In 1380 A.H./1969 C.E. he was then appointed a teacher at the Faculty of Sharee'ah, and in 1386 A.H./1975 C.E. he was transferred to passing fatwa at the Daar al-Iftaa.
In 1391 A.H./1980 C.E. he was appointed a member of The Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Fataawa in addition to member of the Council of Senior Scholars.
He studied with a number of scholars in differing fields, and from amongst the well-known (in addition to those who have preceded) are:
Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn 'Abdullaah Ibn Baaz (rahima-hullaah) with whom he studied fiqh;
Shaykh 'Abdullaah al-Khulayfee with whom he also studied fiqh;
Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn Rasheed with whom he studied fiqh, tawheed and;
Shaykh Muhammad al-Ameen ash-Shanqeetee with whom he studied usool al-fiqh, sciences of the Qur.aan, and tafseer;
Shaykh 'Abdur-Rahmaan al-Afreeqee with whom he studied mustalah and hadeeth;
Shaykh 'Abdur-Razzaaq 'Afeefee;
'Abdul-Fattaah Qaaree al-Bukhaaree with whom he studied the Qur.aan in the recitation of Hafs 'an 'Aasim, to which the chain of transmission reaches the Messenger (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam).
In addition to what has preceded of his work, from 1389 A.H./1978 C.E. to date he has been a teacher of fiqh, usool al-fiqh, al-fiqhiyyah, mustalah and hadeeth, tafseer and it's sciences and 'aqeedah.
He has also been teaching fiqh in organised gatherings/lessons most days of the week, according to his schedule of many duties, after maghrib and after 'Ishaa. Sometimes he will teach after fajr and also after 'asr.
From 1395 A.H./1984 C.E., in addition to his work with The Permanent Committee, he gave lessons to students of knowledge in higher studies at the University of Imaam Muhammad and the Faculty of Sharee'ah in fiqh, usool al-fiqh, al-fiqhiyyah. He was also involved in supervising a number of theses at the Masters degree and Doctorate level, whilst also taking part in the (university) committee discussing theses. During this period, many students studied with him.
When Shaykh 'Abdullaah Ibn Humayd died in 1402 A.H./1991 C.E., he was undertook to giving fatwa on the radio programme "Noorun 'alad-Darb".
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Shaykh 'Abdul-Muhsin Ibn Hamad al-'Abbaad
I am the one in need of Allaah, 'Abdul-Muhsin ibn Hamad ibn 'Abdul-Muhsin ibn 'Abdullaah ibn Hamad ibn 'Uthmaan Aal-Badar; and the family of Aal-Badar is from Aal-Jalaas from the tribe of 'Unzah which is one of the tribes of al-'Adnaaniyyah and my great-grandfather 'Abdullaah added the name 'Abbaad and some of his children later became known by this name. My mother was the daughter of my paternal uncle - Abu Sulaymaan ibn 'Abdullaah Aal Badar.
I was born just after Salaat al-'Ishaa. on a Saturday night corresponding to the 3rd of Ramadhaan 1353 A.H. in the city of Az-Zulfah which is 300 kilometres north of Riyadh.
I learnt to read and write from the noble teachers 'Abdullaah ibn Ahmad al-Munee' and then Zayd ibn Muhammed al-Munee'fee and then 'Abdullaah ibn 'Abdur-Rahmaan al-Ghayth under whom I completed the Qur.aan and then Faalih ar-Roomee.
When the elementary school was established in az-Zulfah in 1368 A.H, I transferred there to the second year (level). When I completed my elementary studies in 1371 A.H, I then transferred to the Ma'had al-'Ilmee in Riyadh the following year. I then transferred to the faculty of Sharee'ah.
During my final year at the faculty, I was appointed a teacher at the Ma'had al-'Ilmee in Buraydah on 13th Jumaada al-Oolaa 1379 A.H. Then at the and of the academic year, I returned to Riyadh to sit my final exams at the faculty. Allaah blessed me by my graduating (with the highest grades) and I came first from amongst all my fellow students who were 80 (in total) - and who were the fourth set of graduates from the faculty of Sharee'ah. As such, I also came first in (all) the three previous years. When I recieved my certification from the Ma'had al-'Ilmee in Riyadh in 1380 A.H, I turned to teaching at the Ma'had al-'Ilmee in Riyadh.
When al-Jaami'ah al-Islaamiyyah (Islaamic University) in Madeenah was established, Allaah blessed me by being amongst those who were selected to teach there by the noble Shaykh, Muhammed ibn Ibraaheem Aal ash-Shaykh. The first faculty which was established was the faculty of Sharee'ah which began classes on Sunday 2nd Jumaada ath-Thaaniyah 1381 A.H. - and from the favours of Allaah upon me was that I was the first to teach a lesson on that day. From that day until now I have taught at the University and there is no-one at the University who has taught there longer since it was established other than me.
On 30th Rajab 1393 A.H I was appointed a deputy to the president of al-Jaami'ah al-Islaamiyyah after being selected by King Faysal for this post. I was one of three who was proposed by the noble Shaykh 'Abdul-Azeez ibn 'Abdullaah ibn Baaz who was then the president of the University.
I remained at this post until 26th Shawwaal 1399 A.H whereby I asked him to excuse me after I felt an urge within myself during the first two years of these six years when I was second-in-charge; and when the noble Shaykh 'Abdul-Azeez ibn 'Abdullaah ibn Baaz transferred to the presidency of the Department of Knowledge-based Research and Legal Rulings, I became first in command. And during those six years, I was only able to teach 2 lessons a week to the fourth year students at the faculty of Sharee'ah. During this time, I felt an enormous responsibility and a heavy burden (due to my position as president of the University) that I exerted myself - such that I hope it counts much with Allaah - and in those six years I was able to oversee the implementation of a new policy at the University whereby it changed from being a government entity to an institution and then the establishment of the Department of Higher Studies for both Masters and Doctorate programmes and the establishment of the faculty of the Noble Qur.aan and Islaamic Studies, the faculty of Hadeeth and Islaamic Studies and the faculty of Arabic Language.
During this time, the size of the land granted for the University increased many-fold.The University completed architectual plans for the new faculties, granting them the highest priority, increasing the number of students at the University to 20,000. These plans incorporated all the needs of this large number in terms of the (different) faculties, the departments and centres, student accomodation and services and other than these. During this time, the University printing press was also established.
My first trip outside the city of az-Zulfah was to Makkah to perform Hajj in 1370 A.H. and thereafter to Riyadh to seek knowledge at the Ma'had al-'Ilmee.
I still possess my notebooks of the different years of my elementary studies starting from the second year and they are the most beloved and precious of all that I possess.
The first book I ever had in my personal library was a copy of «Buloogh al-Maraam» of al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalaanee. I acquired it before I began my elementary studies, whereupon I have written in my own handwriting the date of 6th of Muharram 1368 A.H.
And from the most beloved of all things to me is my immense love for the companions of the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) and radhi-yallaahu 'anhum, and my hatred for those who hate them. Allaah has blessed me with sons and daughters, and I have named four of my sons the names of the rightly-guided Khulafaa. after having named one of them after the Prophet Muhammad (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam). And I named some of my daughters the names of the Mothers of the Believers, after having named one of them Faatimah, the leader of the believing women.
And this is some of what I recall about myself, which I have penned just as a reminder of the blessings of Allaah, and how short I fall and what little I have done (in this life) for the Hereafter. I ask Allaah to grant me success in being truthful in speech, and sincere in my actions and to attain beneficial knowledge and actions in accordance to it, indeed He is the All-Hearing and Responding.
Note: I, Abu 'Abdullaah, had been searching for the biography of the noble Shaykh 'Abdul-Muhsin al-'Abbaad for some time now. Finally, I approached the Shaykh himself to see if he could direct me to any source. He simply refused, saying "...there is no need, there is no need". I persisted, saying that this is only to inform the English-speaking Muslims of the scholars of our time, whereupon he still insisted: "...there is no need". I then decided to approach his son, Shaykh 'Abdur-Razzaaq al-'Abbaad who directed me to the only published source where the Shaykh's biography is written, namely the book: «ar-Radd 'alaa man Kaththaba bil-Ahaadeeth as-Saheehah al-Waaridah fil-Mahdee». Since this book is now out of print, I had been searching for it for a while when I received a copy on Sunday 3 November 2002, and in my excitement to publish the noble Shaykh's biography, I set about translating it immediately.
Finally, the Shaykh penned his biography above back in the year 1402 A.H., some 20 years ago, and still to this day he is driven to the University to teach tawheed to 3rd year students at the Faculty of Sharee'ah - I bear witness to this since I am very fortunate to have him teach our class also. It must be noted, that the Shaykh has long passed compulsory retirement age, however, he still chooses to teach at the University without pay. May Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) bless our noble Shaykh 'Abdul-Muhsin al-'Abbaad and increase him in good health, aameen.
Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn 'Abdullaah Aal ash-Shaykh
He is the noble Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn 'Abdullaah Ibn Muhammad Ibn 'Abdul-Lateef Aal ash-Shaykh. He was born in Riyadh in 1362 A.H./1941 C.E., and since his birth he suffered from weak eyesight, until he lost his sight altogether in 1381 A.H./1960 C.E.
He began seeking knowledge by studying the Noble Qur.aan at Masjid Ahmad Ibn Sanaan, and memorised the Qur.aan when he was 12 years old. He then sought knowledge from some of the scholars in their gatherings. In 1375 A.H./1954 C.E. he transferred to the Imaam ad-Da'wah Institute where he graduated from the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 1383 A.H./1962 C.E., and he used to attend some of the gatherings of the scholars in their masaajid.
He began his active religous life after graduating from the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 1383 A.H./1962 C.E., whereafter he worked as a teacher at the Imaam ad-Da'wah al-'Ilmee Institute until 1392 A.H./1971 C.E. He then transferred to teaching at the Faculty of Sharee'ah (at the University of Imaam Muhammad) in Riyadh and continued there until 1412 A.H./1991 C.E.
He was then made a member of the Council of Senior Scholars in 1407 A.H./1986 C.E., whereafter he was made a member of the Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Fataawa, where he was appointed deputy to the grand muftee of the Kingdom (Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn Baaz) in 1416 A.H./1995 C.E.
He was the imaam for Jumu'ah prayers at the Masjid of Shaykh 'Abdullaah Ibn 'Abdul-Lateef since 1390 A.H./1969 C.E., later transferring to being imaam at the Central Masjid of al-Imaam Turkee Ibn 'Abdullaah in 1412 A.H./1991 C.E. He became the imaam and khateeb at Masjid Namirah on the Day of 'Arafah in 1402 A.H./1981 C.E.
Whilst at the Faculty of Sharee'ah he used to supervise some university theses, and take part in theses discussions/debates.
Since 1414 A.H./1993 C.E. he has taken part in responding to questions on the radio program "Noorun 'alad-Darb".
He also used to hold lessons in the Central Masjid of al-Imaam Turkee Ibn 'Abdullaah. He takes part in seminars and lectures alongside his work in the field of da'wah in Riyadh and Taif.
keterangan lebih lanjut
within the Qur’aan the authentic sunnah and the consensus of the ummah. Allah ta’aala
states: If they repent and establish the salaah and give the zakaah, they are you
brothers in faith (deen). [Al-Qur’aan 9:11] And Allah ta’aala says: What landed you in
As-Saqar (Hell)? They said: We were not of those who made salaah (almusalleen)…[
Al-Qur’aan 76:42-43] and so on. As far as the sunnah: The hadeeth of
Jaabir that the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: Between a man and shirk
(what protects him from shirk) is the abandonment of salaah. [Muslim] It is narrated
by Abu Dawood, An-Nisaa’i, Ibn Maajah, and At-Tirmidhi on the authority of Buraidah Ibn
Al-Husaib from the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) who said: The covenant
between us and them (i.e. the Prophet – and/or his successors -and those who
claim to be Muslims) is the salaah so whosoever abandons it has disbelieved. [
Ahmad and others and it is saheeh] As far as consensus (al-ijmaa’): Abdullah Ibn
Shaqeeq (radiallahu ‘anhu) stated: The Companions of Muhammad (radiallahu ‘anhum)
did not view the abandonment of any other deed as kufr other than (abandoning) salaah.
[At-Tirmidhi and others with an authentic chain]
2. Delaying the salaah from its appointed time. This is a violation according to the word of
Allah ta’aala: Verily the salaah has been appointed for the believers at specific times
(mawqoot). [Al-Qur’aan 4:103] Al-Mawqoot indicates a specific appointed time and the
postponement of sallah beyond the obligatory time (fardh) is a major sin and Allah is the
one upon Whom we depend. On the authority of Anas who said: I heard the Messenger
of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) saying: This is the salaat of the hypocrite
(munaafiq); when he sits observing the sun until it is between the horns of
Shaitaan, then he stands to perform four (rak’ah) remembering Allah little. [Muslim]
If this is the salaah of the hypocrite then what of the salaah of someone who postpones
the prayer until the complete period of the salaat has passed without any excuse?
3. Abandonment of the congregational prayer in the masjid by able men either regularly or
on occasion. The commandment has been given to perform the salaah in congregation in
the masaajid. Congregational (al-jamaa’ah) salaah is a duty except for those who have a
valid excuse according to the sharia’h. The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa
sallam) said: Whoever hears the call (al-adhaan) and thereafter does not answer it
(i.e. attend the congregational salaah) there is no salaah for him except for a valid
excuse. [Reported by Ibn Maajah and others with a strong chain (isnaad) and Al-Haafith
Ibn Hajar said “Its chain is according to the conditions of Muslim”]. Allah ta’aala also says:
And bow down with those who bow down. {Al-Qur’aan 2:43] In a hadeeth in Al-
Bukhaari and Muslim (mutafaqun ‘alaih): …I would then leave (after tbe salaah has
begun) and go to those men who do not attend the salaah and burn their houses
down over them.
4. Lack of tranquility (at-tama’neenah) within the salaat. This is generally done out of
ignorance and it is an open sin because tranquility is a pillar (rukn) of the salaah without
which the salaah is incorrect. The hadeeth about the man who performed his salaah
badly is a clear evidence for this. The meaning of tama’neenah (tranquility) is that the one
praying is tranquil in the rukoo’ (bending), standing (‘itidaal), prostration (sujood), and
sitting between the two prostrations (juloos), and he should get in position where every
bone settles into place, he should not hasten between portions of the prayer until he has
attained tranquility in it and gives each its due time. The Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa
sallam) said to the one who was rushing through his salaah without observing the proper
tranquility: Go back and make salaah because you have not made the salaah. And in
the hadeeth of Rifaa’ah on the story of the one who prayed badly it goes on: Then he
makes takbeer and bows and puts his hands on his knees until each joint is settled
and relaxed. Then he says ‘sami’allahu liman hamida’ (Allah hears the one who
praises Him) then stands up straight until each bone is in its place.
5. Lack of proper reverence and humility (khushoo’) in the salaat and excess movement
therein. The place of khushoo’ is in the heart and it is evident in the tranquility of the limbs
and humility before Allah. Allah has indeed praised His slave by His statement: Those
who offer their salaah with all solemnity and full submissiveness. [Al-Qur’aan 23:2]
As well [He has praised] the prophets by his statement: Verily they used to hasten on
to do good deeds and they used to call upon Us with hope and fear, and used to
humble themselves before Us. [Al-Qur’aan 21:90] It is incumbent. The limbs of the
slave in prayer should be still and his heart should be solemn until he may be rewarded
for his salaah. It is narrated on the authority of ‘Ammaar Ibn Yaasir (radiallahu ‘anhu) he
said: I heard the messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) saying: Verily a man
leaves after completing his prayer and nothing has been written for him except a tenth of
his salaah, a ninth, an eighth, a sixth, a fifth, a fourth, a third, or half of it. [Abu Dawood,
An-Nisaa’i, and others and it is an authentic hadeeth] The reason for the shortcoming in
its reward is the lack of khushoo’ in the heart of the one who prays or in the limbs.
6. Intentionally preceding the imaam in the movements of the prayer or not following his
movements. This nullifies the salaah or rak’ah for whoever bows before his imaam ruins
his own rak’ah unless he follows it later with another bowing. Such is likewise with the
rest of the arkaan (pillars) of the salaah. It is obligatory for the praying person to follow the
imaam completely without preceding him or lagging behind him in any rukn (pillar) or
more. Abu Dawood and others transmit with an authentic chain from Abu Hurairah that
the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: Verily the imaam is to be
completely followed, so if he makes takbeer then you make takbeer and don’t make
takbeer until he does so, and if he bows then bow and don’t bow until he does so…
Its origin is in the two saheehs and Al-Bukhaari has another like it narrated by Anas. The
one who forgets or the one who is ignorant is excused.
7. Standing to complete a missed rak’ah before the imaam has completely finished making
the second tasleem (i.e closing the prayer by saying ‘As-salaamu ‘alaikum wa
rahmatullahi to the right and left). It is reported in Saheeh Muslim that the Messenger of
Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: Do not precede me in the rukoo’ (bowing) not in
the sujood (prostration) nor in going out of the prayer (al-insiraaf). The scholars have said
that the meaning of al-insiraaf is at-tasleem and it is named such because the praying
person may leave afterwards and he leaves only after the second tasleem. The one who
precedes the imaam should stay in his place until the imaam has completed his salaah,
then he should stand and complete whatever he missed, and Allah knows best.
8. Making the intention for prayer aloud. This is a bid’ah (innovation), and we have
previously mention the prohibition against bid’ah. The Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa
sallam) never made the intention for salaah aloud. Ibn Al-Qayyim, rahimahullah, stated in
“Zaad Al-Ma’aad” or in “Al-Hudaa An-Nabawiyy”: “When the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa
sallam) would stand for salaah he said: ‘Allahu Akbar’ and said nothing else before it nor
did he pronounce his intention aloud. Nor did he say: ‘I will pray for Allah salaah such and
such while facing the Qiblah four raka’aat as imaam or follower’. Nor did he say: ‘Fulfilling
it on time, not making it up, nor the time of fardh’ all ten of which are bid’ah for which no
one has reported that he did with an authentic chain, nor even a weak one, nor musnad,
nor mursal, nor a single word. Indeed not one narration of the sahaabah or the best of the
following generation (taabi’een), nor the four imaams.”
9. Not reciting Al-Faatihah in the salaah; The recitation of Al-Faatihah is a pillar (rukn) and
the salaah of whoever does not recite it is void. This is according to the Prophet’s
(sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) saying: Whoever makes a salaah wherein Al-Faatihah is
not recited then it is khidaaj (miscarried) - and he repeated it three times –
incomplete. [Muslim from Abu Hurairah] Also reported in the two saheehs is the hadeeth
from ‘Ubaadah Ibn Saamit (radiallahu ‘anhu) marfoo’an (attributable to the Prophet,
sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam): The salaah is null for whoever has not recited the
Opening of the Book. In another wording from ‘Ubaadah: Could it be that you recite
behind your imaam? We said: Yes. He said: Don’t do so except with the Opening of
the Book (Al-Faatihah) for the salaah is null of whoever does not recite it. [Ahmed,
Abu Dawood, At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Hibbaan. This is evidence of its obligation for the follower.
Recitation of the follower is absolute or in the aloud prayers as opposed to what is long
known. Whether the recitation of Al-Faatihah is absolute or just in the prayers recited
aloud is an old difference of opinion among the scholars. Is it waajib or dropped? The
majority of scholars (al-jumhoor) say it is dropped however doing so is more clear from
possible error and more precaution for deen. Most of those who have the opinion of it
being dropped say that it is nevertheless desirable to recite it.
10. Recitation of the Qur’aan in rukoo’ (bowing position) or during sujood (prostration). This is
prohibited based on a narration from ibn Abbaas (radiallahu ‘anhu) that the Prophet
(sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: I have been prevented from reciting the Qur’aan
while bowing or in prostration… [Muslim] Ali (radiallahu ‘anu) narrates he said: The
Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam prevented me from reciting the
Qur’aan while bowing or prostrating. [Muslim and others]
11. Raising the eyes to the sky during salaat or looking to the right and left without due
cause. As far as raising the eyes, it is forbidden and bears the threat of punishment. It is
narrated by Jabir Ibn Samurah (radiallahu ‘anhu) who said: The Messenger of allah
(sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: Let the people stop raising their eyes to the sky in the
salaah or let their sight not return to them. [Muslim]
12. As far as looking around unnecessarily, it is a deficiency in the salaah of the worshipper
as long as he has not turned his entire body in another direction [i.e. away from the
Qiblah]. If however the entire body is turned then the salaah is invalidated. It is narrated
by ‘Aisha (radiallahu ‘anhaa) who said: I asked the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi
wa sallam) about looking around in the salaah. He said: It is misappropriation pilfered
by Shaitaan from the salaah of the worshipper. [Al-Bukhaari]. At-Tirmidhi also
collected an authentic hadeeth: Be warned of turning or looking around in the salaah
because it is destruction. And there are other ahadeeth on looking around in the
13. Sitting on one’s haunches (Al-Iq’aa) during the salaah and prostrating with the elbows (Al-
Iftiraash) on the ground. Al-Iqaa’ is forbidden as related by Abu Hurairah (radiallahu
‘anhu) who said: My dear friend forbade me three things: He forbade me from pecking
like a rooster [just touching the head in prostration – trans], sitting on the
haunches like a dog, and looking around like a fox. Transmitted by Ahmed and others
and its isnaad (chain) has by graded hasan (good) by Al-Mundhiri and Al-Haithami.
The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) forbade a man from spreading his
arms on the ground like a beast of prey. Summarizing a hadeeth collected by Muslim
from ‘Aisha (radiallahu ‘anhaa) as well as by At-Tirmidhi, Ahmed and others from Jaabir
(radiallahu ‘anhu) marfoo’an (attributable to the Prophet): If any of you prostrates
(sajdah) then keep straight and not spread his arms like the sitting of a dog.
14. Wearing a thin (see-through) garment that does not sufficiently cover the ‘auwrah (private
area). This is an invalidator of the salaah because covering one’s ‘auwrah is a condition
for a sound salaah. The man’s ‘aurah is - according to what is most authentic – from the
navel to the knee. Likewise he must cover his shoulders or one of them1 in accordance
with the statement of Allah: O children of Aadam wear you adornments to every
masjid. [Al-‘Araaf 31] It is sufficient to wear a single garment to cover the ‘auwrah
according to what is narrated from ‘Umar Ibn Salamah (radiallahu ‘anhu): He saw the
Messenger of allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam praying in a single garment (thowub) in
the house of Umm Salamah, he had cast both ends over himself. [Al-Bukhaari and
Ibn Qudaamah (rahimahullah) stated: It is obligatory to cover sufficiently to hide the color
of the skin, for if it is thin enough that the color of the skin may be seen from behind to the
extent that the whiteness or redness of the skin is percieved thane salaah in it is not
allowed in that covering has not been achieved.
15. A woman not covering her head with the khimaar in salaah and not covering her feet. The
‘aurah of the swoman in the sallah is her entire body with the exception of her face. Nor is
there any harm if she covers her face due to the passing by of men or the like. It is
obligatory for her to wear a khimaar which is a head covering that also covers the bosom.
This according to his (slallahu ‘aliahi wa sallam) statement: Allah does not accept the
salaah of the menstruating female unless she is wearing a khimaar. [Collected by
Ahmed and the collectors of the six most authentic books except An-Nisaa’i and it has be
authenticated by Ibn Khuzaimah and others. It is also obligatory that she cover the tops of
her feet in compliance with the hadeeth “The entire woman is ‘auwrah” Collected by At-
Tirmidhee with an authentic isnaad. Along this same meaning is what is transmitted by
Malik and abu Dawood and others from Muhammad Ibn Said Inb Qunfudh from his
mother who asked Umm Salamah (radiallahu ‘anhaa), the wife of the Prophet (sallallahu
‘alaihi wa sallam), about what garment a woman should pray in. She answered: She
1 The evidence for covering the shoulders is found in an authentic hadeeth in the collection of Abu
Dawood, however we were unable to determine why the shaykh exempts one shoulder.
should pray in a khimaar and a full, loose-fitting chemise that conceals the tops of
her feet. Also with this meaning is the hadeeth of Umm Salamah: Lower it by an arms
16. Walking in front of the praying person whether they be the imaam or praying alone and
stepping over the people during the Jumua’h khutbah. It is a sin upon the person who
passes in front of someone who is praying. If the one praying has no sutrah then it shold
be estimated to be at the place of prostration so the passerby should can pass beyond
that point. As narrated in the collections of al-Bukhari and Muslim by Abu Juhaim Ibn
Haarith (radiallahu ‘anhu), who said: The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam)
said: If the one who passes in front of the praying person knew how serious a sin it
was for him to do so it would have been better for him to wait for forty than walk in
front of him. [Forty may refer to forty days, months or years, and Allah knows best –
The one who pushes between the people during the Jumua’h khutbah harms people
through his being late for the salaah according to the statement of Al-Mustafah (sallallahu
‘alaihi wa sallam): Sit for you have caused harm and come late. [Ahmed and others.
Cutting between the people is forbidden. One who enters the masjid should sit where
there is space unless he sees a genuinely open area where he should then go to it and
17. Not saying the takbeeratul-ihraam (opening takbeer) when entering upon the
congregation while the imaam is in rukoo’. This is a major mistake in that the takbeeratulihraam
is a pillar (rukn) of the salaah that must be done by the one praying when standing
for the salaah and then afterwards join the imam in the bowing position (rukoo’). To make
the takbeer (al-ihraam) and then another takbeer before giong into rukoo’ is more
complete and thorough. Abu Hurairah (radiallahu ‘anhu) narrated: The Messenger of
Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) would make takbeer when he stood for the sallah
and would then make takbeer upon bowing.
18. Not following the imaam (by getting in the same position) when coming late and the
imaam is sitting or in sujood (prostrating). It is most preferred and most sure for the one
who enters the masjid that he join the imaam in whatever position he may be in, whether
he be in sajdah or otherwise. It is reported by abu Dawood and others with a saheeh
isnaad that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: If you come to the
salaah and we are making sujood then you also make sujood. For a worshipper to
delay making sajdah is to have in effect prevented himself from an act of worship which
Allah loves. Ali Ibn Abi Talib and Mua’dh ibn Jabal (radiallahu ‘anhumaa) both stated: The
Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: If one of you comes to the salaah
and the imaam is in a position then do what the imaam is doing. This is collected by
At-Tirmidhi with a weak isnaad however it is in agreement with the preceeding hadeeth. It
is also strengthened by a narration collected by Abu Dawood from Mua’dh (radiallahu
‘anhu): I never saw him (the imaam) in a position except I was also upon it. The
Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: Verily Mua’dh has performed an
act that is good for you too, so do likewise.
19. Busying oneself with matters that take one away from the salaah. This is evidence of
preference of the wordly life over that of the Hereafter, following vain desires and being
too busy to obey Allah. This is indeed ruination and of evil consequence to whoever does
it. Allah ta’aala says: O you who believe, let not yuor wealth or your children divert
you from the remembrance of Allah for whyosoever does that will be among the
losers. [Al-Munafiqoon 9] And He says in praise of the believers: Men who are not
diverted by business or trade from the remembrance of Allah and performance of
salaah. [An-Noor 37] Preoccupation with any act over the salaah or that leads to being
negligant or lazy toward it such as staying up too lateand the like, is not permissible. This
is because anything that leads to what is haraam is itself haraam, and Allah is the One
who guides to the right path.
20. Playing with one’s clothing or watch or the like. This is an act that negates khushoo’. The
evidence for khushoo’ has been presented previously in point 5 [see August Issue – Ed.].
The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) forbade rubbing pebbles during the
salaah due to its negative effect on khushoo’ when he said: If any of you performs the
prayer let him not rub pebbles for mercy is turned towards him. [Ahmed and the six
collections of hadeeth with an authentic isnaad] A person might increase playing around
to the point of excessive movement that is outside of the salaah and thereby nullify it.
21. Closing the eyes for no reason. This is a objectionable act (makrooh) as Ibn Al-Qayyim
(rahimahullah) mentioned: “Closing the eyes was not from the guidance of the Rasool
(sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam).” He also said: “The scholars of fiqh have differed on its
detestability. Imam Ahmed and others deemed it detestable and they said that it was of
the habits of the Jews. However a group of them ruled it allowable without any
detestablility and they said that it may indeed be a closer means of achieving khushoo’
which is the spirit of the salaah, its heart and its aim.”
“Most correct is that if keeping the eyes open has no detrimental effect upon khushoo’
then it is preferable to do it. If decorations, adornments or the like are around the
worshipper or between him and the qiblah to the point of distraction, then there is
absolutely no objection to closing the eyes. Indeed the statement that to do so is
desirable (mustahabb) in this case is closer to the spirit of the law and its aims than the
statement that it is objectionable. And Allah knows best.”
22. Eating or drinking or laughing in the salaah thus nullifying it. As far as eating and drinking
there is consensus with regards to the fardh. Ibn Al-Mundhir stated: "The scholars (Ahlul-
‘Ilm) are in consensus agreement that the one praying is forbidden from eating and
drinking. There is also consensus among them that to do so intentionally necessitates
repetition of the salaah." Ibn Al-Mundhir also transmits that there is consensus that the
salaah is nullified by laughing.
23. Raising the voice in recitation to the point of distracting those around. It is recommended
(mustahabb) that one hears himself, not to the point that it interrupts anyone who is
reciting the Qur’aan or making salaah. Al-Bukhaari and Muslim both transmit from
‘Umraan Ibn Husain (radiallahu ‘anhu) that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa
sallam) prayed Dhuhr and there was a man behind him reciting ‘sabbihisma rabbikal-
‘alaa’ , so when he (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) finished he said: Who among you was
reciting or who was the reciter? The man said, "Me." So he (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam)
said: I thought that some of you were disputing with me in it. The scholars state: The
meaning of his words is a disapproval of the act. Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah) stated:
Whoever is reciting the Qur’aan and the people are praying additional prayer then it is not
correct for him to recite aloud thus disturbing them because the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi
wa sallam) left some of his companions while they were praying As-Sahr (before dawn)
and he said: O people, each of you is seeking salvation from his Rabb therefore do not
overpower one another with your recitation.
24. Crowding in on those who are praying. This is a type of forbidden inflicting of harm. It is
upon the praying person to pray in a place where the space ends unless he sees an
opening sufficient for him to pass and then there is no harm. However, to cause harm,
especially on Yaum Al-Jumu’ah (Friday), is generally forbidden. The Prophet (sallallahu
‘alaihi wa sallam) said about those who cut the prayer line: Sit, for you have harmed and
come late.
25. Not making the lines straight. Allah has ordered the proper performance of salaah saying
"And establish (aqeemu) the salaah". The Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) has
likewise stated: Straighten your lines for verily straightening of the lines is a part of correct
performance of salaah (iqaamis-salaah). Al-Bukhaari and Muslim from Anas. Also Al-
Bukhaari narrates from An-Nu’maan Ibn Basheer (radiallahu ‘anhu): Straighten your lines
or Allah will cause opposition between your hearts. The order to straighten the lines and
taking care to do so is mentioned in a number of hadeeth. (It should also be mention that
this includes not leaving any gaps in the lines as is all too commonly neglected – Ed.)
26. Raising the feet from the ground in sujood. This is against what is commanded as it is
confirmed in the two saheehs from Ibn Abbaas (radiallahu ‘anhu): The Prophet (sallallahu
‘alaihi wa sallam) was ordered to prostrate upon seven limbs and not to tuck up the hair
or the clothes: the forehead (including the nose), the (palms of the) two hands, the knees
and the two feet. So the one praying is commanded to pray with the two feet touching the
ground and the complete form of this is to have the toes pointing toward the Qiblah. Part
of each foot should touch the ground and if one raises either of them his sajdah
(prostration) is incorrect if he continues to do so throughout the prostration.
27. Putting the right hand upon the left and raising them to the neck. This is in contradiction to
the sunnah because the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) used to put his right hand
over his left upon his chest. This is in a hadeeth of Hasan from several weak
transmissions in themselves but that in conjunction strengthen themselves. The sunnah is
also to place the hands on the middle of the chest or upon the heart because the heart is
in the chest as Allah ta’aala states: It is the hearts within the breasts that are blind.
Raising the hands (making takbeer) when going into sujood or when rising out of it. It is
an error to lift the hands to the neck and this opposes the sunnah. What is attributed to Ali
(radiallahu ‘anhu) in the explanation of the verse: So therefore pray to your Rabb and
sacrifice (wanhar – in which the verb is construed as referring to the neck [an-nahr] –Ed.)
is weak and does not constitute a proof. (Also incorrect is the incorrect practice of holding
one’s hands upon or below the navel as there is no substantiated proof from the
authenticated sunnah for this practice – Ed)
28. Raising the hands at the time of sujood or when rising out of sujood. This is in opposition
to the well-known sunnah that has been transmitted by most of the companions who
narrated about raising the hands. The student of (sharee'ah) knowledge should stick with
the well-known sunnah unless in privacy though he may believe a deed to be more
correct from the sunnah that nonetheless contradicts the practice of the generality of the
scholars. The imaam of the people should do what is known, for what is commonly and
well-known to be the sunnah upon which the majority of the scholars' practice, is sufficient
and satisfactory. (The wisdom here is that for a student to insist upon public practice of
that which is not regarded by the scholars generally as the sunnah may lead to harm and
confusion which would amount to forsaking a fardh, i.e. the prevention of harm, for the
sake of a establishing a sunnah - and one which is not totally agreed upon at that - and
would thus fall into error. The scholars do not generally unite upon any practice without
evidence, although the qualified student may disagree a given ruling or conclusion based
upon his understanding of the texts and after sincere and thorough study and reaching a
state of being personally satisfied with its outcome. – Ed.)
28. Hastiness of some imaams in the salaah and lack of tranquility within it, thus not allowing
time for the followers to be tranquil in their salaah or time to recite Al-Faatihah, especially
in the last rak’ah. The imam is responsible for making the quality of the salaah good
because he is being followed. It is therefore his duty to take care of following the Sunnah,
and tranquility is a pillar (rukn) that the imam is more obliged to take care of due to his
being followed. Likewise, the recitation of Al-Faatihah is a rukn that the followers in the
salaah must be given enough time to fulfill. We have already presented the evidence for
the obligation of maintaining tranquility (tama’neenah) and reciting Al-Faatihah.
29. Not taking care to make sujood upon the seven ‘limbs’ (i.e. the forehead along with the
nose, the palms of both hands, both knees, and the toes of both feet). Abbaas Ibn Abul-
Muttalib (radiallahu ‘anhu) reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu
‘alaihi wa sallam) saying: If the slave prostrates, then seven body parts should prostrate
with him: His face, hands, two knees, and his two feet. Related by Muslim, also attributed
to Al-Majd in “Al-Muntaqaa”, Al-Muzzee and related by others.
Ibn Abbaas (radiallahu ‘anhumaa) narrated: The Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam)
said: I have been ordered to prostrate upon seven “bones” (i.e. body parts): Upon the
forehead –and he pointed to his nose – both hands, both knees and both feet.
There are some people who do not prostrate upon both the forehead and the nose or who
raise their feet or who do not touch the palms of their hands on the ground, all of which is
in opposition to what is commanded.
30. Not caring to learn the rules of salaah. This is other than what any Muslim should do. No
doubt salaah is the greatest of the Islamic pillars requiring bodily action. Allah commands
its performance - “Aqimis-Salaah” (Perform the salaah) - in more than seventy ayaat. It is
not possible to perform it without having knowledge of its fundamentals or knowing how
the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) did the salaah. There is no room for ignorance of
the rules of salaah, knowing its prerequisites or its essential parts, obligations, the rules
for following or making up for errors and the like. It is fardh to know these matters and the
absence of knowledge of these matters is a cause of a Muslim being unaware of what
nullifies or spoils his salaah, and Allah is the Guide and Provider of Success.
31 – 34. Carelessness in reciting Al-Faatihah and with proper pronunciation such as saying
al-‘Aalimeen instead of al-‘Aalameen, ahdinaa instead of ihdinaa, an’amtu instead of an’amta,
and so on. All of these and similar errors are the type of linguistic errors that must be avoided
and no one who leads the salaat should commit them. Some may contain impossible
meanings such as when one pronounces the “t” (taa’) in “an’amta” as “da” (daad) and thus
the salaat would be spoiled.
35. Cracking the knuckles in salaah. This is from the detested actions in the salaah and is
thus forbidden. As far as cracking the knuckles in general, Ibn Abi Shaibah narrates in a
statement with good isnaad, from Shu’bah Mawlaa ibn Abbaas as stating: I prayed next to Ibn
Abbaas and I cracked my knuckles so when I finished my salaah he said, “May you lose your
mother! You crack your knuckles while you are in salaah?” Forbiddance of cracking the
knuckles is transmitted in a marfoo’ hadeeth from Ali in the collection of Ibn Maajah, however,
it is weak (da’eef)and not sufficient in an of itself (ghairu munjabir).
36. Intertwining the fingers (at-tashbeek) during and before the salaah. This is also among the
detestable matters. Ka’ab Ibn ‘Ujrah (radiallahu ‘anhu) narrates: I heard the Messenger of
Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) saying: If one of you makes wudhoo then goes to
the masjid for salaah, let him not clasp his hands together for indeed he is in the
salaah. Ahmed, Abu Dawood, At-Tirmidhi. With some difference regarding its chain, Ad-
Daarimi, Al-Haakim and others transmit from Abu Hurairah in a marfoo’ hadeeth: “If one of
you makes wudhoo in his house then comes to the masjid, he is in salaah until he
returns. Therefore do not do not do like this – and he clasped his fingers together.”
There are other mutually supporting hadeeths on this matter of tashbeek.
37. Putting forward someone to lead the salaah as imaam when it is not his place to do so
and there are others more deserving present. This contradicts the intended purpose of having
an imaam (al-imaamah), which is to be an example to follow (al-iqditaa’). It is necessary that
the imaam have understanding of the deen and is able to correctly recite the Qur’aan
according to the satatement of the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam): The imaam of a
people should be the one who best recites the Qur’aan…) Transmitted by Muslim from Abu
Mas’ood Al-Ansaari (radiallahu ‘anhu). The scholars have ruled that one should not be put
forward as imaam whose recitation is not good, or who openly displays sinfulness, or who has
an undignified appearance, or who is an innovator, or who is corrupt or like them. If however,
such people are put forward, the salaah of the followers is correct.
38. Improper recitation of the Qur’aan. This is an open deficiency and the right of the Qur’aan
is that it be read correctly without aberration and that the Muslim strives to improve and excel
in its recitation. Allah ta'alaa states: Recite the Qur’aan with tarteel [correct measured tone]
and When we teach you the Qur’aan, follow its recitation. Meaning, recitation as is proper
according to the Arabic language, with clarity and free from distortion. On this same line is the
superiority of the one who purifies his intention as is narrated by ‘Kaisha (radiallahu ‘anhaa)
who said: The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said, “The one who is
proficient with the Qur’aan will be with the scribes (angels) honorable and obedient. While the
one who recites the Qur’aan haltingly and finds difficulty (while striving to recite it properly)
gets a double reward.” [matafaqun ‘alaih]
39. Some men praying behind women in the Haram (The Grand Masjid) of Makkah. Doing so
there or elsewhere is a detestable action in the salaah. It is from the sunnah that the rows of
the women are behind those of the men. The salaah of a man behind a women may be a
cause of him losing all khushoo’ and a disturbance in the salaat through his looking (at the
woman) or otherwise. A man should therefore never line up for salaah behind a woman. This
is not detestable if due to necessity such as not missing the ‘Eid salaah, or Salaatul-Jumu’ah,
or the congregational salaah and other similar situations (i.e. that make it impossible to join
the front rows with the men – Trans.). A group of scholars have stated: “The Haram of
Makkah is an exception.” Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baz (may Allah preserve him) is of this
40. Women coming to the masjid beautified or made-up and perfumed. This is one of the
open and witnessed evils that become apparent during Ramadhan and outside it. The woman
is coming out to worship her Master, not to show off the beauty of her clothing! Perhaps men
may see her and she would then be sinful and she would suffer a loss of reward for her deed.
The Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) stated: “Let not any woman who is scented
attend the ‘Ishaa with us.” [Muslim] Imam Ahmed transmits along with Abu Dawood with an
authentic chain from Abu Hurairah (radiallahu ‘anhu) that the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa
sallam) said: “Do not forbid the bondwomen of Allah from the houses of Allah, and let
them go out tafilaat.” The meaning of the word “tafilaat” is: Not beautified with adornments
or perfumed.
The Magnifying Glass
On Clarifying Many Common Errors
Al-Minthaar Fee Katheer Min Al-Akhtaa’ Ash-Shaai’ah
A Excerpt Dealing with
40 Commmon Mistakes in Salaat
Saalih Ibn Abdul-Azeez Ibn Muhammad Aalish-Shaykh
Abdul-Qaadir Abdul-Khaaliq – Translator
© 1998 Al-Haramain Foundation
Jatuhnya pilihan saya kepada Nabi Muhammad dalam urutan pertama daftar Seratus Tokoh yang berpengaruh di dunia mungkin mengejutkan sementara pembaca dan mungkin jadi tanda tanya sebagian yang lain. Tapi saya berpegang pada keyakinan saya, dialah Nabi Muhammad satu-satunya manusia dalam sejarah yang berhasil meraih sukses-sukses luar biasa baik ditilik dari ukuran agama maupun ruang lingkup duniawi.
Berasal-usul dari keluarga sederhana, Muhammad menegakkan dan menyebarkan salah satu dari agama terbesar di dunia, Agama Islam. Dan pada saat yang bersamaan tampil sebagai seorang pemimpin tangguh, tulen, dan efektif. Kini tiga belas abad sesudah wafatnya, pengaruhnya masih tetap kuat dan mendalam serta berakar.
Sebagian besar dari orang-orang yang tercantum di dalam buku ini merupakan makhluk beruntung karena lahir dan dibesarkan di pusat-pusat peradaban manusia, berkultur tinggi dan tempat perputaran politik bangsa-bangsa. Muhammad lahir pada tahun 570 M, di kota Mekkah, di bagian agak selatan Jazirah Arabia, suatu tempat yang waktu itu merupakan daerah yang paling terbelakang di dunia, jauh dari pusat perdagangan, seni maupun ilmu pengetahuan. Menjadi yatim-piatu di umur enam tahun, dibesarkan dalam situasi sekitar yang sederhana dan rendah hati. Sumber-sumber Islam menyebutkan bahwa Muhamnmad seorang buta huruf. Keadaan ekonominya baru mulai membaik di umur dua puluh lima tahun tatkala dia kawin dengan seorang janda berada. Bagaimanapun, sampai mendekati umur empat puluh tahun nyaris tak tampak petunjuk keluarbiasaannya sebagai manusia.
Umumnya, bangsa Arab saat itu tak memeluk agama tertentu kecuali penyembah berhala Di kota Mekkah ada sejumlah kecil pemeluk-pemeluk Agama Yahudi dan Nasrani, dan besar kemungkinan dari merekalah Muhammad untuk pertama kali mendengar perihal adanya satu Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa, yang mengatur seantero alam. Tatkala dia berusia empatpuluh tahun, Muhammad yakin bahwa Tuhan Yang Maha Esa ini menyampaikan sesuatu kepadanya dan memilihnya untuk jadi penyebar kepercayaan yang benar.
Selama tiga tahun Muhammad hanya menyebar agama terbatas pada kawan-kawan dekat dan kerabatnya. Baru tatkala memasuki tahun 613 dia mulai tampil di depan publik. Begitu dia sedikit demi sedikit punya pengikut, penguasa Mekkah memandangnya sebagai orang berbahaya, pembikin onar. Di tahun 622, cemas terhadap keselamatannya, Muhammad hijrah ke Madinah, kota di utara Mekkah berjarak 200 mil. Di kota itu dia ditawari posisi kekuasaan politik yang cukup meyakinkan.
Peristiwa hijrah ini merupakan titik balik penting bagi kehidupan Nabi. Di Mekkah dia susah memperoleh sejumlah kecil pengikut, dan di Medinah pengikutnya makin bertambah sehingga dalam tempo cepat dia dapat memperoleh pengaruh yang menjadikannya seorang pemegang kekuasaan yang sesungguhnya. Pada tahun-tahun berikutnya sementara pengikut Muhammad bertumbuhan bagai jamur, serentetan pertempuran pecah antara Mektah dan Madinah. Peperangan ini berakhir tahun 630 dengan kemenangan pada pihak Muhammad, kembali ke Mekkah selaku penakluk. Sisa dua setengah tahun dari hidupnya dia menyaksikan kemajuan luar-biasa dalam hal cepatnya suku-suku Arab memeluk Agama Islam. Dan tatkala Muhammad wafat tahun 632, dia sudah memastikan dirinya selaku penguasa efektif seantero Jazirah Arabia bagian selatan.
Suku Bedewi punya tradisi turun-temurun sebagai prajurit-prajurit yang tangguh dan berani. Tapi, jumlah mereka tidaklah banyak dan senantiasa tergoda perpecahan dan saling melabrak satu sama lain. Itu sebabnya mereka tidak bisa mengungguli tentara dari kerajaan-kerajaan yang mapan di daerah pertanian di belahan utara. Tapi, Muhammadlah orang pertama dalam sejarah, berkat dorongan kuat kepercayaan kepada keesaan Tuhan, pasukan Arab yang kecil itu sanggup melakukan serentetan penaklukan yang mencengangkan dalam sejarah manusia. Di sebelah timurlaut Arab berdiri Kekaisaran Persia Baru Sassanids yang luas. Di baratlaut Arabia berdiri Byzantine atau Kekaisaran Romawi Timur dengan Konstantinopel sebagai pusatnya.
Ditilik dari sudut jumlah dan ukuran, jelas Arab tidak bakal mampu menghadapinya. Namun, di medan pertempuran, pasukan Arab yang membara semangatnya dengan sapuan kilat dapat menaklukkan Mesopotamia, Siria, dan Palestina. Pada tahun 642 Mesir direbut dari genggaman Kekaisaran Byzantine, dan sementara itu balatentara Persia dihajar dalam pertempuran yang amat menentukan di Qadisiya tahun 637 dan di Nehavend tahun 642.
Tapi, penaklukan besar-besaran --di bawah pimpinan sahabat Nabi dan penggantinya Abu Bakr dan Umar ibn al-Khattab-- itu tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda stop sampai di situ. Pada tahun 711, pasukan Arab telah menyapu habis Afrika Utara hingga ke tepi Samudera Atlantik. Dari situ mereka membelok ke utara dan menyeberangi Selat Gibraltar dan melabrak kerajaan Visigothic di Spanyol.
Sepintas lalu orang mesti mengira pasukan Muslim akan membabat habis semua Nasrani Eropa. Tapi pada tahun 732, dalam pertempuran yang masyhur dan dahsyat di Tours, satu pasukan Muslimin yang telah maju ke pusat negeri Perancis pada akhirnya dipukul oleh orang-orang Frank. Biarpun begitu, hanya dalam tempo secuwil abad pertempuran, orang-orang Bedewi ini -dijiwai dengan ucapan-ucapan Nabi Muhammad- telah mendirikan sebuah empirium membentang dari perbatasan India hingga pasir putih tepi pantai Samudera Atlantik, sebuah empirium terbesar yang pernah dikenal sejarah manusia. Dan di mana pun penaklukan dilakukan oleh pasukan Muslim, selalu disusul dengan berbondong-bondongnya pemeluk masuk Agama Islam.
Ternyata, tidak semua penaklukan wilayah itu bersifat permanen. Orang-orang Persia, walaupun masih tetap penganut setia Agama Islam, merebut kembali kemerdekaannya dari tangan Arab. Dan di Spanyol, sesudah melalui peperangan tujuh abad lamanya akhirnya berhasil dikuasai kembali oleh orang-orang Nasrani. Sementara itu, Mesopotamia dan Mesir dua tempat kelahiran kebudayaan purba, tetap berada di tangan Arab seperti halnya seantero pantai utara Afrika. Agama Islam, tentu saja, menyebar terus dari satu abad ke abad lain, jauh melangkah dari daerah taklukan. Umumnya jutaan penganut Islam bertebaran di Afrika, Asia Tengah, lebih-lebih Pakistan dan India sebelah utara serta Indonesia. Di Indonesia, Agama Islam yang baru itu merupakan faktor pemersatu. Di anak benua India, nyaris kebalikannya: adanya agama baru itu menjadi sebab utama terjadinya perpecahan.
Apakah pengaruh Nabi Muhammad yang paling mendasar terhadap sejarah ummat manusia? Seperti halnya lain-lain agama juga, Islam punya pengaruh luar biasa besarnya terhadap para penganutnya. Itu sebabnya mengapa penyebar-penyebar agama besar di dunia semua dapat tempat dalam buku ini. Jika diukur dari jumlah, banyaknya pemeluk Agama Nasrani dua kali lipat besarnya dari pemeluk Agama Islam, dengan sendirinya timbul tanda tanya apa alasan menempatkan urutan Nabi Muhammad lebih tinggi dari Nabi Isa dalam daftar. Ada dua alasan pokok yang jadi pegangan saya. Pertama, Muhammad memainkan peranan jauh lebih penting dalam pengembangan Islam ketimbang peranan Nabi Isa terhadap Agama Nasrani. Biarpun Nabi Isa bertanggung jawab terhadap ajaran-ajaran pokok moral dan etika Kristen (sampai batas tertentu berbeda dengan Yudaisme), St. Paul merupakan tokoh penyebar utama teologi Kristen, tokoh penyebarnya, dan penulis bagian terbesar dari Perjanjian Lama.
Sebaliknya Muhammad bukan saja bertanggung jawab terhadap teologi Islam tapi sekaligus juga terhadap pokok-pokok etika dan moralnya. Tambahan pula dia "pencatat" Kitab Suci Al-Quran, kumpulan wahyu kepada Muhammad yang diyakininya berasal langsung dari Allah. Sebagian terbesar dari wahyu ini disalin dengan penuh kesungguhan selama Muhammad masih hidup dan kemudian dihimpun dalam bentuk yang tak tergoyangkan tak lama sesudah dia wafat. Al-Quran dengan demikian berkaitan erat dengan pandangan-pandangan Muhammad serta ajaran-ajarannya karena dia bersandar pada wahyu Tuhan. Sebaliknya, tak ada satu pun kumpulan yang begitu terperinci dari ajaran-ajaran Isa yang masih dapat dijumpai di masa sekarang. Karena Al-Quran bagi kaum Muslimin sedikit banyak sama pentingnya dengan Injil bagi kaum Nasrani, pengaruh Muhammad dengan perantaraan Al-Quran teramatlah besarnya. Kemungkinan pengaruh Muhammad dalam Islam lebih besar dari pengaruh Isa dan St. Paul dalam dunia Kristen digabung jadi satu. Diukur dari semata mata sudut agama, tampaknya pengaruh Muhammad setara dengan Isa dalam sejarah kemanusiaan.
Lebih jauh dari itu (berbeda dengan Isa) Muhammad bukan semata pemimpin agama tapi juga pemimpin duniawi. Fakta menunjukkan, selaku kekuatan pendorong terhadap gerak penaklukan yang dilakukan bangsa Arab, pengaruh kepemimpinan politiknya berada dalam posisi terdepan sepanjang waktu.
Dari pelbagai peristiwa sejarah, orang bisa saja berkata hal itu bisa terjadi tanpa kepemimpinan khusus dari seseorang yang mengepalai mereka. Misalnya, koloni-koloni di Amerika Selatan mungkin saja bisa membebaskan diri dari kolonialisme Spanyol walau Simon Bolivar tak pernah ada di dunia. Tapi, misal ini tidak berlaku pada gerak penaklukan yang dilakukan bangsa Arab. Tak ada kejadian serupa sebelum Muhammad dan tak ada alasan untuk menyangkal bahwa penaklukan bisa terjadi dan berhasil tanpa Muhammad. Satu-satunya kemiripan dalam hal penaklukan dalam sejarah manusia di abad ke-13 yang sebagian terpokok berkat pengaruh Jengis Khan. Penaklukan ini, walau lebih luas jangkauannya ketimbang apa yang dilakukan bangsa Arab, tidaklah bisa membuktikan kemapanan, dan kini satu-satunya daerah yang diduduki oleh bangsa Mongol hanyalah wilayah yang sama dengan sebelum masa Jengis Khan
Ini jelas menunjukkan beda besar dengan penaklukan yang dilakukan oleh bangsa Arab. Membentang dari Irak hingga Maroko, terbentang rantai bangsa Arab yang bersatu, bukan semata berkat anutan Agama Islam tapi juga dari jurusan bahasa Arabnya, sejarah dan kebudayaan. Posisi sentral Al-Quran di kalangan kaum Muslimin dan tertulisnya dalam bahasa Arab, besar kemungkinan merupakan sebab mengapa bahasa Arab tidak terpecah-pecah ke dalam dialek-dialek yang berantarakan. Jika tidak, boleh jadi sudah akan terjadi di abad ke l3. Perbedaan dan pembagian Arab ke dalam beberapa negara tentu terjadi -tentu saja- dan nyatanya memang begitu, tapi perpecahan yang bersifat sebagian-sebagian itu jangan lantas membuat kita alpa bahwa persatuan mereka masih berwujud. Tapi, baik Iran maupun Indonesia yang kedua-duanya negeri berpenduduk Muslimin dan keduanya penghasil minyak, tidak ikut bergabung dalam sikap embargo minyak pada musim dingin tahun 1973 - 1974. Sebaliknya bukanlah barang kebetulan jika semua negara Arab, semata-mata negara Arab, yang mengambil langkah embargo minyak.
Jadi, dapatlah kita saksikan, penaklukan yang dilakukan bangsa Arab di abad ke-7 terus memainkan peranan penting dalam sejarah ummat manusia hingga saat ini. Dari segi inilah saya menilai adanya kombinasi tak terbandingkan antara segi agama dan segi duniawi yang melekat pada pengaruh diri Muhammad sehingga saya menganggap Muhammad dalam arti pribadi adalah manusia yang paling berpengaruh dalam sejarah manusia.
Seratus Tokoh yang Paling Berpengaruh dalam Sejarah
Michael H. Hart, 1978
Terjemahan H. Mahbub Djunaidi, 1982
PT. Dunia Pustaka Jaya
Jln. Kramat II, No. 31A
Jakarta Pusat
Jatuhnya pilihan saya kepada Nabi Muhammad dalam urutan pertama daftar Seratus Tokoh yang berpengaruh di dunia mungkin mengejutkan sementara pembaca dan mungkin jadi tanda tanya sebagian yang lain. Tapi saya berpegang pada keyakinan saya, dialah Nabi Muhammad satu-satunya manusia dalam sejarah yang berhasil meraih sukses-sukses luar biasa baik ditilik dari ukuran agama maupun ruang lingkup duniawi.
Berasal-usul dari keluarga sederhana, Muhammad menegakkan dan menyebarkan salah satu dari agama terbesar di dunia, Agama Islam. Dan pada saat yang bersamaan tampil sebagai seorang pemimpin tangguh, tulen, dan efektif. Kini tiga belas abad sesudah wafatnya, pengaruhnya masih tetap kuat dan mendalam serta berakar.
Sebagian besar dari orang-orang yang tercantum di dalam buku ini merupakan makhluk beruntung karena lahir dan dibesarkan di pusat-pusat peradaban manusia, berkultur tinggi dan tempat perputaran politik bangsa-bangsa. Muhammad lahir pada tahun 570 M, di kota Mekkah, di bagian agak selatan Jazirah Arabia, suatu tempat yang waktu itu merupakan daerah yang paling terbelakang di dunia, jauh dari pusat perdagangan, seni maupun ilmu pengetahuan. Menjadi yatim-piatu di umur enam tahun, dibesarkan dalam situasi sekitar yang sederhana dan rendah hati. Sumber-sumber Islam menyebutkan bahwa Muhamnmad seorang buta huruf. Keadaan ekonominya baru mulai membaik di umur dua puluh lima tahun tatkala dia kawin dengan seorang janda berada. Bagaimanapun, sampai mendekati umur empat puluh tahun nyaris tak tampak petunjuk keluarbiasaannya sebagai manusia.
Umumnya, bangsa Arab saat itu tak memeluk agama tertentu kecuali penyembah berhala Di kota Mekkah ada sejumlah kecil pemeluk-pemeluk Agama Yahudi dan Nasrani, dan besar kemungkinan dari merekalah Muhammad untuk pertama kali mendengar perihal adanya satu Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa, yang mengatur seantero alam. Tatkala dia berusia empatpuluh tahun, Muhammad yakin bahwa Tuhan Yang Maha Esa ini menyampaikan sesuatu kepadanya dan memilihnya untuk jadi penyebar kepercayaan yang benar.
Selama tiga tahun Muhammad hanya menyebar agama terbatas pada kawan-kawan dekat dan kerabatnya. Baru tatkala memasuki tahun 613 dia mulai tampil di depan publik. Begitu dia sedikit demi sedikit punya pengikut, penguasa Mekkah memandangnya sebagai orang berbahaya, pembikin onar. Di tahun 622, cemas terhadap keselamatannya, Muhammad hijrah ke Madinah, kota di utara Mekkah berjarak 200 mil. Di kota itu dia ditawari posisi kekuasaan politik yang cukup meyakinkan.
Peristiwa hijrah ini merupakan titik balik penting bagi kehidupan Nabi. Di Mekkah dia susah memperoleh sejumlah kecil pengikut, dan di Medinah pengikutnya makin bertambah sehingga dalam tempo cepat dia dapat memperoleh pengaruh yang menjadikannya seorang pemegang kekuasaan yang sesungguhnya. Pada tahun-tahun berikutnya sementara pengikut Muhammad bertumbuhan bagai jamur, serentetan pertempuran pecah antara Mektah dan Madinah. Peperangan ini berakhir tahun 630 dengan kemenangan pada pihak Muhammad, kembali ke Mekkah selaku penakluk. Sisa dua setengah tahun dari hidupnya dia menyaksikan kemajuan luar-biasa dalam hal cepatnya suku-suku Arab memeluk Agama Islam. Dan tatkala Muhammad wafat tahun 632, dia sudah memastikan dirinya selaku penguasa efektif seantero Jazirah Arabia bagian selatan.
Suku Bedewi punya tradisi turun-temurun sebagai prajurit-prajurit yang tangguh dan berani. Tapi, jumlah mereka tidaklah banyak dan senantiasa tergoda perpecahan dan saling melabrak satu sama lain. Itu sebabnya mereka tidak bisa mengungguli tentara dari kerajaan-kerajaan yang mapan di daerah pertanian di belahan utara. Tapi, Muhammadlah orang pertama dalam sejarah, berkat dorongan kuat kepercayaan kepada keesaan Tuhan, pasukan Arab yang kecil itu sanggup melakukan serentetan penaklukan yang mencengangkan dalam sejarah manusia. Di sebelah timurlaut Arab berdiri Kekaisaran Persia Baru Sassanids yang luas. Di baratlaut Arabia berdiri Byzantine atau Kekaisaran Romawi Timur dengan Konstantinopel sebagai pusatnya.
Ditilik dari sudut jumlah dan ukuran, jelas Arab tidak bakal mampu menghadapinya. Namun, di medan pertempuran, pasukan Arab yang membara semangatnya dengan sapuan kilat dapat menaklukkan Mesopotamia, Siria, dan Palestina. Pada tahun 642 Mesir direbut dari genggaman Kekaisaran Byzantine, dan sementara itu balatentara Persia dihajar dalam pertempuran yang amat menentukan di Qadisiya tahun 637 dan di Nehavend tahun 642.
Tapi, penaklukan besar-besaran --di bawah pimpinan sahabat Nabi dan penggantinya Abu Bakr dan Umar ibn al-Khattab-- itu tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda stop sampai di situ. Pada tahun 711, pasukan Arab telah menyapu habis Afrika Utara hingga ke tepi Samudera Atlantik. Dari situ mereka membelok ke utara dan menyeberangi Selat Gibraltar dan melabrak kerajaan Visigothic di Spanyol.
Sepintas lalu orang mesti mengira pasukan Muslim akan membabat habis semua Nasrani Eropa. Tapi pada tahun 732, dalam pertempuran yang masyhur dan dahsyat di Tours, satu pasukan Muslimin yang telah maju ke pusat negeri Perancis pada akhirnya dipukul oleh orang-orang Frank. Biarpun begitu, hanya dalam tempo secuwil abad pertempuran, orang-orang Bedewi ini -dijiwai dengan ucapan-ucapan Nabi Muhammad- telah mendirikan sebuah empirium membentang dari perbatasan India hingga pasir putih tepi pantai Samudera Atlantik, sebuah empirium terbesar yang pernah dikenal sejarah manusia. Dan di mana pun penaklukan dilakukan oleh pasukan Muslim, selalu disusul dengan berbondong-bondongnya pemeluk masuk Agama Islam.
Ternyata, tidak semua penaklukan wilayah itu bersifat permanen. Orang-orang Persia, walaupun masih tetap penganut setia Agama Islam, merebut kembali kemerdekaannya dari tangan Arab. Dan di Spanyol, sesudah melalui peperangan tujuh abad lamanya akhirnya berhasil dikuasai kembali oleh orang-orang Nasrani. Sementara itu, Mesopotamia dan Mesir dua tempat kelahiran kebudayaan purba, tetap berada di tangan Arab seperti halnya seantero pantai utara Afrika. Agama Islam, tentu saja, menyebar terus dari satu abad ke abad lain, jauh melangkah dari daerah taklukan. Umumnya jutaan penganut Islam bertebaran di Afrika, Asia Tengah, lebih-lebih Pakistan dan India sebelah utara serta Indonesia. Di Indonesia, Agama Islam yang baru itu merupakan faktor pemersatu. Di anak benua India, nyaris kebalikannya: adanya agama baru itu menjadi sebab utama terjadinya perpecahan.
Apakah pengaruh Nabi Muhammad yang paling mendasar terhadap sejarah ummat manusia? Seperti halnya lain-lain agama juga, Islam punya pengaruh luar biasa besarnya terhadap para penganutnya. Itu sebabnya mengapa penyebar-penyebar agama besar di dunia semua dapat tempat dalam buku ini. Jika diukur dari jumlah, banyaknya pemeluk Agama Nasrani dua kali lipat besarnya dari pemeluk Agama Islam, dengan sendirinya timbul tanda tanya apa alasan menempatkan urutan Nabi Muhammad lebih tinggi dari Nabi Isa dalam daftar. Ada dua alasan pokok yang jadi pegangan saya. Pertama, Muhammad memainkan peranan jauh lebih penting dalam pengembangan Islam ketimbang peranan Nabi Isa terhadap Agama Nasrani. Biarpun Nabi Isa bertanggung jawab terhadap ajaran-ajaran pokok moral dan etika Kristen (sampai batas tertentu berbeda dengan Yudaisme), St. Paul merupakan tokoh penyebar utama teologi Kristen, tokoh penyebarnya, dan penulis bagian terbesar dari Perjanjian Lama.
Sebaliknya Muhammad bukan saja bertanggung jawab terhadap teologi Islam tapi sekaligus juga terhadap pokok-pokok etika dan moralnya. Tambahan pula dia "pencatat" Kitab Suci Al-Quran, kumpulan wahyu kepada Muhammad yang diyakininya berasal langsung dari Allah. Sebagian terbesar dari wahyu ini disalin dengan penuh kesungguhan selama Muhammad masih hidup dan kemudian dihimpun dalam bentuk yang tak tergoyangkan tak lama sesudah dia wafat. Al-Quran dengan demikian berkaitan erat dengan pandangan-pandangan Muhammad serta ajaran-ajarannya karena dia bersandar pada wahyu Tuhan. Sebaliknya, tak ada satu pun kumpulan yang begitu terperinci dari ajaran-ajaran Isa yang masih dapat dijumpai di masa sekarang. Karena Al-Quran bagi kaum Muslimin sedikit banyak sama pentingnya dengan Injil bagi kaum Nasrani, pengaruh Muhammad dengan perantaraan Al-Quran teramatlah besarnya. Kemungkinan pengaruh Muhammad dalam Islam lebih besar dari pengaruh Isa dan St. Paul dalam dunia Kristen digabung jadi satu. Diukur dari semata mata sudut agama, tampaknya pengaruh Muhammad setara dengan Isa dalam sejarah kemanusiaan.
Lebih jauh dari itu (berbeda dengan Isa) Muhammad bukan semata pemimpin agama tapi juga pemimpin duniawi. Fakta menunjukkan, selaku kekuatan pendorong terhadap gerak penaklukan yang dilakukan bangsa Arab, pengaruh kepemimpinan politiknya berada dalam posisi terdepan sepanjang waktu.
Dari pelbagai peristiwa sejarah, orang bisa saja berkata hal itu bisa terjadi tanpa kepemimpinan khusus dari seseorang yang mengepalai mereka. Misalnya, koloni-koloni di Amerika Selatan mungkin saja bisa membebaskan diri dari kolonialisme Spanyol walau Simon Bolivar tak pernah ada di dunia. Tapi, misal ini tidak berlaku pada gerak penaklukan yang dilakukan bangsa Arab. Tak ada kejadian serupa sebelum Muhammad dan tak ada alasan untuk menyangkal bahwa penaklukan bisa terjadi dan berhasil tanpa Muhammad. Satu-satunya kemiripan dalam hal penaklukan dalam sejarah manusia di abad ke-13 yang sebagian terpokok berkat pengaruh Jengis Khan. Penaklukan ini, walau lebih luas jangkauannya ketimbang apa yang dilakukan bangsa Arab, tidaklah bisa membuktikan kemapanan, dan kini satu-satunya daerah yang diduduki oleh bangsa Mongol hanyalah wilayah yang sama dengan sebelum masa Jengis Khan
Ini jelas menunjukkan beda besar dengan penaklukan yang dilakukan oleh bangsa Arab. Membentang dari Irak hingga Maroko, terbentang rantai bangsa Arab yang bersatu, bukan semata berkat anutan Agama Islam tapi juga dari jurusan bahasa Arabnya, sejarah dan kebudayaan. Posisi sentral Al-Quran di kalangan kaum Muslimin dan tertulisnya dalam bahasa Arab, besar kemungkinan merupakan sebab mengapa bahasa Arab tidak terpecah-pecah ke dalam dialek-dialek yang berantarakan. Jika tidak, boleh jadi sudah akan terjadi di abad ke l3. Perbedaan dan pembagian Arab ke dalam beberapa negara tentu terjadi -tentu saja- dan nyatanya memang begitu, tapi perpecahan yang bersifat sebagian-sebagian itu jangan lantas membuat kita alpa bahwa persatuan mereka masih berwujud. Tapi, baik Iran maupun Indonesia yang kedua-duanya negeri berpenduduk Muslimin dan keduanya penghasil minyak, tidak ikut bergabung dalam sikap embargo minyak pada musim dingin tahun 1973 - 1974. Sebaliknya bukanlah barang kebetulan jika semua negara Arab, semata-mata negara Arab, yang mengambil langkah embargo minyak.
Jadi, dapatlah kita saksikan, penaklukan yang dilakukan bangsa Arab di abad ke-7 terus memainkan peranan penting dalam sejarah ummat manusia hingga saat ini. Dari segi inilah saya menilai adanya kombinasi tak terbandingkan antara segi agama dan segi duniawi yang melekat pada pengaruh diri Muhammad sehingga saya menganggap Muhammad dalam arti pribadi adalah manusia yang paling berpengaruh dalam sejarah manusia.
Seratus Tokoh yang Paling Berpengaruh dalam Sejarah
Michael H. Hart, 1978
Terjemahan H. Mahbub Djunaidi, 1982
PT. Dunia Pustaka Jaya
Jln. Kramat II, No. 31A
Jakarta Pusat